ID scanners, which police pushed on nightspots after The Post exposed rampant underage drinking in night clubs, are now helping solve crimes, club owners and cops say. Information that detectives pulled from an id scanner helped cops find Eric Lee, a Yonkers man they charged in the death of Brione Schneider, who was shot near the now-shuttered West 29th Street hot spot on Jan. 10. Club owners, after being told that investigators believed the killer and victim had both been at the club that night, turned over a id scanner list of 200 patrons to cops, who sifted through the data to pinpoint Lee as the suspect. The id scanning machines not only check for fake IDs, they also record a person's name, driver's license, address, date of birth and the time of the id scan. Down the block at Sol, an id scanner is helping cops probe another shooting in January, said the club's owner. "The detectives just picked up another id scanner list," he said. "We've had incidents where the police have come and looked at the information from the id scanning system. Obviously, the id scanner becomes a really good tool for them." Dozens of club owners began using the id scanners in the wake of the murder of Jennifer Moore, an 18-year-old from New Jersey who was abducted, raped and strangled after partying at Guest House on West 27th Street in July 2006. Her slaying and a Post series exposing teen drinking at the clubs spurred cops to create the Club Enforcement Initiative. |

IDetect Incorporated
8 Stillwater Road
Suite 511
Saint James, NY

